Linksys Router and Linksys Smart WiFi Router Setup and Login

A Linksys router is a device which gets connected to the modem. It collects the signals from the modem and supplies them to a wider area. It let multiple devices use the internet connection as the modem only allows wired devices and the router allows wireless devices also. The Linksys smart wifi login setup and login can be done in these easy steps. Read them carefully and follow them, for easily getting the access and enjoying the features. 

Setup and Login

The setup can be formed easily by following these steps. As this is the easiest way to perform this task.

1.       Power on your modem, connect an Ethernet cable from the modem to the internet port of the router. Connect the power adapter to the router and turn on the device.

2.       Connect your mobile or computer to the WiFi router.

3.       Open your web browser on the connected device, type myrouter.local in the search bar. Press enter.

4.        To start manually figuring out your settings, click on the configure WiFi>basic wireless settings.

5.       You can deicide your 2.4GHz and 5GHz settings and click on save, once you’re done.

6.       When you click on save you automatically gets disconnected from the WiFi router. So you need to connect your mobile or computer to the WiFi router by entering the default password.

Hence, you have logged in your Linksys router. Now, you can connect your devices such as laptops, computer mobile phones to your router and enjoy. Linksys also provides Linksys smart WiFi router which has different features from the other routers. Let’s move to the steps of the Linksys smart WiFi login.

Linksys Smart WiFi Router login

Linksys smart WiFi login is little different from the other. So by following these steps you can easily login and set your smart router.

1.       Your router has an external antennas with it in the box, then firstly you need connect the antennas to the router (it basically depends on your country). Then plug in your router in a socket and turn it on. Wait for the LED power light to turn solid.

2.       Connect the Ethernet cable from your modem to the internet port of the router.

3.       Connect to your WiFi, you can find the name of the router and the password under router or on the quick start guide.  If you have your computer connected to the router by wire then skips this step and go to next.

4.       Open your web browser and in the search bar type and press Enter, and then you will reach Linksys smart WiFi login interface.

5.       Click on the box which is next to “I have read and accept the license terms for using this software” and then click on Next to go to the next page.

6.       If you want to manually set your router then click on manual configuration link at the bottom of the screen

7.       Then you will see a checkbox tick that which says I want to skip setup and configure my router manually. Then click on next.

So you have successfully logged in your Linksys router, by following the steps to login to Linksys router. Now, enjoy the new features of the Linksys smart WiFi router.

The Conclusion

As we have explained the process step by step of how to login to the Linksys router ad how to login to Linksys smart WiFi router. We hope that you have no doughts left with you. Now you can take the benefits of the features and enjoy using the internet.