How To Add RSS Feed Widget On Website

There used to be a time before the evolution of social media when each time people wanted to get relevant updates and information, they would use the RSS feed.

Well, today, things have not changed at all. Users still use the RSS feed to leverage the relevant information and fetch all their important content in one place, making the RSS feed timeless.

With the RSS feed, users could get all the relevant information emailed to them on their feeds. Well, things are still quite the same. Now, website visitors can create an RSS feed widget for their website to share relevant blogs and news articles with their website visitors.

So, what is an RSS feed widget? Let's find out.

What Is an RSS Feed Widget?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a feed fetched from different websites, and the RSS feed makes the procedure easy for users.

Be it a website that shares updates related to the latest technology, a news website, or any other blog that has articles that you want to stay updated with. RSS feed fetches it all and brings it to you.

So, you don't have to visit the websites every day. You can simply subscribe to their RSS feed, receive a notification each time they update, and get all the interesting articles in the RSS feed.

So why must you add the RSS feed to your website? Let's find out.

Why Add an RSS Widget To Your Website?

Adding an RSS Widget to your website can help you offer a better website experience to your website visitors. You offer them something informative and different from your usual website format. It intrigues them, giving a better user experience and encouraging them to keep visiting your website to engage more.

Besides, the RSS feed raises the visibility of your content and drives traffic to your website. Syndicating your feed would mean a better reach to your potential audience. You get to distribute your website content instantly as the RSS widget feed updates in real-time, being auto-synced. Moreover, it creates better brand awareness for you.

How To Embed RSS Widget On Website

Here are some interesting ways to use the RSS Widget on your website. Remember, the key is to choose an RSS feed that is related to your website or goes well with it.

1.     Google Search Updates

Google offers Google Alerts. It is a feature by Google that identifies any updates in content or other notifications. This feature helps users to keep track of the latest news articles and blog updates through email.

You can do the same with your business website, but instead of choosing the email option, you can choose your brand name, and all the content related to your brand will appear on your RSS feed.

Google even offers the moderation feature to filter out the irrelevant content and manually choose the content you want to appear on your website, making it a more informative experience for your website visitors.

2.     Weather Updates

If you want to offer weather updates to your website visitors, you can do it by connecting with a weather update website that offers weather-related information. It showcases a world map with it to give a vibrant website experience to your website visitors.

You can choose the location from which you want the weather updates, and the RSS feed will easily fetch all the relevant data and update your website's RSS feed widget. Not just that, it also detects the location via GPS, so no matter from where the website visitor is viewing your website, it will update the latest forecast from that location 

3.     Latest News

News is an important part of our lives as it helps us to stay aware and connected to the outside world. When you connect your RSS Feed widget to a news website, it helps you to collect and display all the relevant news articles in a readable format on your website.

It gives your website a more attractive look and improves dwell time as it encourages the visitors to stay longer on your website, sending out positive signals to the search engines and helping you improve your SEO ranking.

4.     Inspirational Quotes

Many websites like BrainyQuotes offer everyday quotes on various topics like celebrity quotes, inspirational quotes, and more.

You can connect these websites to your RSS feed widget and offer new quotes every day to your website visitors 

Let’s Call It A Wrap!

As we make it to the end of this blog, we hope that you have a better understanding of RSS Widget and why you need them. Most importantly, the different ways to add the RSS feed to your website.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose your favorite website and get ready to fetch all the content with the timeless RSS feed.